Resume Synonyms for Assist

Want another word for Assist to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Assist".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

The term 'assist' is the present form of the resume word assisted, which means to give support. Many people use this word because it is a way for them to demonstrate that they are willing to help others, even if they do not have a substantial role or responsibility in that area.

Using the verb assist also allows candidates to focus on what they did and how they did it, rather than how they would like others to see themselves or their role on the team. But, it's best to use action verbs in your resume that describe what you did and how it helped achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, your resume should generally use the past tense of assist ('assisted') unless you describe an ongoing role.

To give a more detailed description of your work experience and how valuable those experiences were for your previous employers, try using power verbs instead of generic terms. Words to use on resume instead of 'assist' includes 'diversified,' 'promoted,' and 'ministered.'

When you use power verbs, you can show the recruiter exactly your responsibilities in previous roles and help them understand the impact of your work, which is crucial for getting hired.

I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Assist on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Assist :

How to replace Assist with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Assist, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

Before: Weak example using Assist

• Assist in preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual productivity reporting

After: Using a stronger synonym • Streamlined the preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual productivity reporting, reducing the number of review and input processes by 80% and increasing efficiency by 25%.

Replacing Assist with Facilitated ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in the design and implementation of company marketing strategies

After: Facilitated • Facilitated the design and implementation of innovative marketing strategies, leading to a 35% increase in brand recognition and a 30% increase in sales within the first quarter

Rather than merely assisting, 'Facilitated' shows that you played a crucial role in the planning and execution. The added metrics give a clear impact of your contribution to the company.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Assist with Guided ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist team in achieving project milestones

After: Guided • Guided a cross-functional team of 10 in achieving key project milestones, resulting in successful delivery 2 weeks ahead of deadline

Instead of 'Assist', 'Guided' denotes leadership and effectiveness in directing the team's efforts. The timeline and team size add identifiable achievements, showcasing your capability to handle teamwork and deliver timely results.

Replacing Assist with Spearheaded ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in the initiation of customer relationship management initiatives

After: Spearheaded • Spearheaded customer relationship management initiatives that lead to a 15% uptick in customer satisfaction and retention rates over 6 months

Swapping 'Assisted' for 'Spearheaded' emphasizes your key role in initiating the project. Quantifiable improvements in satisfaction and retention rates illustrate your positive contribution to the business.

Replacing Assist with Invigorated ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in boosting team morale

After: Invigorated • Invigorated team spirit and morale, generating a 30% reduction in employee turnover within a year

In replacing 'Assisted' with 'Invigorated', we highlight your positive influence on the team's morale. Using clear metrics shows your impact on reducing turnover.

Replacing Assist with Catalyzed ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in improving productivity within the department

After: Catalyzed • Catalyzed department productivity enhancements, leading to a 40% acceleration in delivery times and a 25% increase in output per employee

The verb 'Catalyzed' shows a more active and effective role than 'Assisted'. Including metrics helps to quantify and visualise your major contribution to improved productivity.

Replacing Assist with Augmented ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in amplifying the firm's digital presence

After: Augmented • Augmented firm's digital presence, increasing web traffic by 75% and social media engagement by 50% over 6 months

'Augmented' implies you were instrumental in enhancing the firm's digital standing, while the numbers signify a clear, measurable impact on web traffic and social engagement.

Replacing Assist with Orchestrated ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in organizing fundraising events

After: Orchestrated • Orchestrated high-profile fundraising events, generating over $500K in contributions and doubling the previous year's totals

Choosing 'Orchestrated' over 'Assist' emphasizes your leadership role, while providing specifics on the achievements and strong numbers provide a clear picture of your success.

Replacing Assist with Elevated ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in improving customer satisfaction

After: Elevated • Elevated customer satisfaction levels by implementing a streamlined feedback system, resulting in a 30% increase in positive reviews and a 25% decrease in complaints

'Elevated' conveys a more direct involvement in improving customer satisfaction. The specifics on how you achieved this and the metrics used illustrates direct benefits to the company.

Replacing Assist with Drove ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in enhancing team productivity

After: Drove • Drove team productivity enhancements, resulting in a 20% increase in weekly deliverables and a 15% decrease in overtime hours

Replacing 'Assist' with 'Drove' denotes leadership and determination. Concrete numbers bring to light measurable improvement in productivity and efficient use of team member's hours.

Replacing Assist with Strengthened ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in solidifying relationships with partners

After: Strengthened • Strengthened relationships with 5 key partners, aiding in successful contract renewals and 10% revenue increase

By using 'Strengthened', your active role is emphasized, and stating the number of partners alongside the resultant benefit paints a picture of your effectiveness in handling the external relationships.

Replacing Assist with Negotiated ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in procurement procedures

After: Negotiated • Negotiated with suppliers and streamlined procurement procedures, leading to a 15% cost reduction and accelerated delivery times

Substituting 'Assisted' with 'Negotiated', it demonstrates your proactive involvement. Also, specific figures on cost and delivery time improvements showcase the positive, measurable impact of your efforts.

Replacing Assist with Transformed ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in improving internal communication

After: Transformed • Transformed internal communication by implementing a comprehensive communication tool, reducing email use by 50% and increasing team collaboration and efficiency

The term 'Transformed' conveys a profound change, elevating your role beyond mere 'Assist'. Providing concrete results shows your productive contribution towards improved team efficiency.

Replacing Assist with Amplified ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in expanding the company's market reach

After: Amplified • Amplified company's market reach, achieving a 30% increase in new customer acquisition and a 20% expansion in three new geographic markets

With ‘Amplified’, it suggests you were instrumental in scaling the business. Including specific figures and accomplishments offers metrics-based evidence of the effects of your work.

Replacing Assist with Boosted ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in increasing sales

After: Boosted • Boosted company’s sales by 25% in the first quarter by introducing a new accelerated training program for new sales associates

'Boosted' paints a picture of active, successful participation, instead of merely 'Assisting'. Sharing specific strategies and their outcomes provide a tangible metric of success.

Replacing Assist with Revitalized ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in updating the company website

After: Revitalized • Revitalized the company's outdated website which led to a 40% increase in site traffic and 20% growth in online sales

'Revitalized' emphasizes your pivotal role in rejuvenating an important business tool. Also, the direct link between your action and quantifiable business gains underscores your value to the employer.

Replacing Assist with Revved ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in speeding up the assembly line

After: Revved • Revved up assembly line speed by 30% through strategic implementation of lean manufacturing techniques, thereby saving a cumulative 100 hours per week

'Revved up' depicts a more enthusiastic and proactive role. Additionally, illustrating time saved and increased speed shows measurable improvement in processes, adding credibility to your accomplishments.

Replacing Assist with Pioneered ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in the launch of new products

After: Pioneered • Pioneered the launch of four new products resulting in a 35% increase in quarterly revenue

Replacing 'Assist' with 'Pioneered' denotes a leadership role in breakthrough tasks. Including the number of products launched and the subsequent revenue boost effectively quantifies your contribution.

Replacing Assist with Maximized ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in managing company resources

After: Maximized • Maximized utilization of company resources, driving operational costs down by 20% and increasing profitability by 15%

'Maximized' shows more purpose and impact than 'Assist'. Concrete metrics of cost reduction and profitability demonstrate the tangible results of your workaround resource management.

Replacing Assist with Galvanized ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in motivating the sales team

After: Galvanized • Galvanized a 20-member sales team to surpass their quarterly targets by 30%, securing the department's best performance quarter

Using 'Galvanized' instead of 'Assist' illustrates a more powerful role. The accompanying metric depicts an Excellent example of leading a team to significant success.

Replacing Assist with Optimized ▾

Before: Assist

• Assist in improving the workflow process

After: Optimized • Optimized the workflow process by automating repetitive tasks, reducing processing time by 50% and increasing output by 20%

'Optimized' conveys your active involvement and contribution to workflow improvements. A clear measure of time and output productivity elevates your achievement, highlighting your problem-solving skill.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Assist.

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use Designed on a resume:

• Designed and implemented operational efficiency improvement program for leading UK energy supplier to reduce rate of energy outages by 60% in three years.

How to use Performed on a resume:

• Performed financial analysis to evaluate public and private financing alternatives to strengthen client's balance sheet.

How to use Conducted on a resume:

• Conducted competitor benchmarking analysis, competitor/distributor interviews and data analysis to determine that the existing sustained decline in a luxury skincare product business was reversible, building the case for a successful $150MM acquisition.

How to use Optimized on a resume:

• Optimized production line, resulting in 10% throughput increase and standardized processes in bulk production.

How to use Created on a resume:

• Created method to compute similarity of all methods in a code base; reduced time complexity from O(n 2 ) to O(n log n).

How to use Managed on a resume:

Managed user engagement analytics strategy, providing first insight into how users interact with our apps on their tablets and mobile devices.