Social Stories

Adult and child reading together.

Some young children have difficulties attending to, processing, and understanding information in busy early learning environments. Social interactions can be especially fast paced and unpredictable for a young child with social and emotional or language delays.

There are many evidence-based practices that can be used to help young children attend to, learn about, and use positive skills and behaviors that will help them navigate social situations. The Social Story™ is an example of an individualized practice to support social and emotional learning.

Why should I use a social story?

Using a social story can help reduce a child’s anxiety during a new or difficult social situation and increase independence. Social stories clearly describe important parts of a social activity or event, including what might happen, how the child might feel, how others might feel or respond, and appropriate behavior expectations. This can increase the child’s understanding of the social situation and help them learn a positive skill or behavior to use.

How do I create or personalize a social story?

Anyone can create a social story! To be effective, there must be a plan to create an individualized story, use the story with the child, and monitor how they respond.

First, identify the important aspects of a social situation, including what the child might not understand and how they can successfully navigate the event or activity. Then, write the story from the child’s point of view. Include simple facts about the situation, expected behaviors to use, and clear examples of what the child can do.

You can also download, customize, and print one of the existing stories for immediate use!

To personalize the stories provided: