Lesson 30 – Banking Applications


ICT has revolutionised the way that we do banking, allowing near instant global access to a wide variety of banking services. This lesson looks at the banking services that are now provided by ICT and the computer processing that takes place.



Electronic Funds Transfer

Electronic Funds Transfer (sometimes known as a wire transfer) is the electronic transfers of funds from one bank account to another, anywhere in the world.

Transfers can be near instant, or take a couple of days, depending on the nature of the transaction and the arrangements between the banks.

Wire transfer computer processing

The money sender gives their bank the receiver’s bank account details and requests an amount of money to be sent.

The bank checks that the destination bank is valid and deducts the funds from the sender’s account





Automatic Teller Machines

ATMs are useful for a number of different services. Can you find the 9 common services hidden in the word-search below?

Click to see the full size word search

Click to see the full size word search

ATM Computer Processing

  1. The user puts their card in the machine and enters their PIN.
  2. The computer checks the PIN entered against the PIN stored on the card.
  3. The user enters the amount of money they require
  4. The machine authorizes the transaction with the user’s bank. The user’s bank deducts the funds from the user’s bank account.
  5. The machine issues the cash. The user’s bank now owes the card machine bank money.
  6. The user’s bank wire transfers the owed amount to the card machine’s bank.
  7. The transaction is now complete.


Credit / Debit Cards

Credit / Debit Card Processing



Computer Processing of cheques