Minister Ng signs new Global Trade and Gender Arrangement with Chile and New Zealand

Today, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, hosted a virtual meeting with the members of the Inclusive Trade Action Group (ITAG): Andrés Allamand, Chile’s Minister of Foreign Affairs; Rodrigo Yañez, Chile’s Vice Minister of Trade; and David Parker, New Zealand’s Minister for Trade and Export Growth.

August 4, 2020 - Ottawa, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada Advancing gender equality and women’s economic empowerment and participation in trade is a fundamental part of Canada’s Export Diversification Strategy and is key to ensuring that economic and trade recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is inclusive and sustainable. Today, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, hosted a virtual meeting with the members of the Inclusive Trade Action Group (ITAG): Andrés Allamand, Chile’s Minister of Foreign Affairs; Rodrigo Yañez, Chile’s Vice Minister of Trade; and David Parker, New Zealand’s Minister for Trade and Export Growth. The ministers signed a new Global Trade and Gender Arrangement, under which Canada, Chile, and New Zealand will work together to share best practices and promote gender equality, including in international organizations such as the World Trade Organization. The arrangement lays out clear steps to making sure the benefits of trade and investment are more broadly shared among people in Canada and around the world. The arrangement builds on Canada’s long-standing commitment to gender equality and inclusive trade and supports the three countries’ shared commitment to building economies where everyone can succeed. The ministers also discussed plans for ITAG’s future work and agreed to continue working together to ensure that global economic recovery includes all people and to break down barriers faced by women, Indigenous peoples, and others.


“The new Global Trade and Gender Arrangement is a major step forward in our work to promote gender equality and the economic empowerment of women on the world stage. I look forward to working with ministers Allamand, Yañez, and Parker to put more inclusive trade policies into practice to benefit all people in our countries. We welcome other countries to join this arrangement, which recognizes the importance of reinforcing trade policies that create growth and prosperity for our businesses, our communities, and our economies.” - Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade

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Ryan Nearing
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade